Motorvate Kids is trained and certified to provide Therapeutic Listening to enhance your child’s comprehensive therapy program.
“Therapeutic Listening is a specific sound-based intervention that is embedded in a developmental and sensory integration perspective. The music in Therapeutic Listening gives the listener unique and precisely controlled sensory information. The music is electronically modified to highlight the parts of the sound spectrum that naturally capture attention and activate body movement, synchronizing it with the environment. Therapeutic Listening uses electronic modifications, along with the organized, rhythmical sound patterns inherent in music, to trigger the self-organizing capacities of the nervous system.”
Who can benefit from Therapeutic Listening?
Therapeutic Listening may benefit a wide variety of individuals of various ages who might exhibit:
Poor attention
Difficulties interacting with peers and limited play skills
Challenges with transitions or changes in routine
Difficulty communicating (both verbal and non-verbal)
Struggles with sleep, bowel and bladder control, and eating
Trouble following directions
Challenges perceiving and navigating space
Poor timing and sequencing of motor skills
Difficulties with irritability, mood
Difficulties with regulating their energy level (i.e. too low arousal or hyperactive)
Postural insecurity (fear of heights, playing on playground equipment)
Abnormal responses to various sensory stimuli (sounds, touch, taste, pain)
Poor praxis and motor planning: coming up with an idea, planning, and completing the task
Difficulty responding to sounds and verbal directions
For more information on Therapeutic Listening, including instructions on how to access the prescribed music for your child, click here:
To purchase Therapeutic Listening “Open Air” headphones, click here: